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OptionUniversity - Gamma Trading for Professional

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Product Description

OptionUniversity - Gamma Trading for Professional

"Now You Can Discover The Little-Known Technique Professional
Options Traders Use To Neutralize Time Decay In Long Positions

(And Why They Will NEVER Share This Secret Trading Method With You)..."


Dear Trader,

"Gamma Trading or 'Gamma Scalping' is a trading technique that option floor traders have been using for many, many years...

The proper usage of Gamma would be a great advantage to day-traders and swing traders, due to the fact that it will allow these traders to scalp stock while covered and protected instead of just trading naked.

This will help you limit your risk and offer you greater profit potential!

Student Review

"Thank you for your offer to allow me to take Ron's Gamma Trading Class again.

"I very much look forward to it. Even though I took the class last fall, I can never get enough of Ron's teaching. He has a way of making the most complicated concepts seem simple.

"His G-class takes the understanding of options to a whole new level, even if you never actually Gamma trade.

It helps tie in the "greeks" in a way that is not available anywhere else.

"Thanks again for this offer."


Gamma trading will allow you to trade one side of the market much more frequently. Instead of looking to quickly sell out a long or buy back a short, you will be able to buy or sell without worry because you will still be either flat or at the very least, hedged.

Gamma trading will also provide maximum downside protection for your overnight positions, and allow for additional profit from second and third day follow through. This is very handy when expecting a next day gap opening or follow through trading pattern...

Day traders and swing traders alike should discover the many benefits of Gamma trading because understanding Gamma and its proper usage can significantly increase overall profitability..."

Here are Some Other Major Benefits
and Advantages of Gamma Trading:

  • Allows for hedged day trading and swing trading.
  •  Allows for continues and consecutive trading on a single side of the market without acquiring a delta position.

  • Provides protective cushion for overnight positions.
  •  Allows you to take advantage of opening gaps.

  •  Can be traded proactively or reactively to allow for projected directional lean or for lack of directional lean.

  • Even active investors can make use of Gamma Trading.

Reserve One of a Very LIMITED
Number of Gamma Class Archive CD's

We only teach this class once or twice per year!

And our 'live class' students receive the Gamma Class CD's as a free bonus.

But we usually ask the printer to make a few extras, for those people who can't make the live classes or would prefer to watch the CD's and go at their own pace...

This means that there are a limited number of these available, and we're never sure how many are in inventory. So if you place your order, and we send you an email and a refund because we're out of stock, we apologize in advance.

But for now, if you order today, I can guarantee that you receive a set!

And these are great classes.

All captured from our "live" classes, that use streaming live web training technology to deliver the course in real-time, and allow for students to ask questions (probably the same questions YOU have).

If you're new to Gamma Trading, let me just say this...

This is a powerful new trading method that you won't hear about anywhere else.

We guarantee it.

So if you're ready to discover the powerful and profitable world of Gamma Trading, click the link below to reserve your copy immediately, before all of the available CD sets are gone.

You'll be getting this amazing video 'archive' CD of a recent class, sent to you by mail, for you to review this amazing class...

...any time you want!

Student Review

"Ron is a remarkable instructor. He clearly knows what he is talking about.

"I recently took Gamma Trading class. I cannot thank enough for his wisdom, supremacy of his knowledge on options and application of the same. I learnt quite a bit, especially the concept of full trading range.

"He takes time to make sure every one gets it.

"There was no rush what so ever. Two to four hour sessions almost ran in to eight hours. He is very
generous with his time and very personal.

"He is very passionate about options that you could tell by the enthusiasm he carries. I really enjoyed the class and looking forward to having many more in the near future."

Ragu Suds

Here's What You'll Get When
You Order the Gamma CD's:

  • Four classes (90+ minutes each) on CD recorded on two different days. You'll watch Ron walk you through his Powerpoint presentation slide by slide, as you'll hear his voice and watch him make notes right on your screen.  

  • Special Bonus - Online access to the video archives of these classes online.
    You'll get a private link where you'll be able to review and replay your class as many times as you like, streaming it over the internet
    (One PC only).

Order Your Video CD of the Gamma Trading Classes Now!

Student Reviews

Wow! Dang right I'd like to take it again, sign me up immediately!

Ron's Gamma Trading class was one of the best (maybe the best) options courses I've taken. But it's not for the timid. You'll need your thinking cap and full attention to get the most out of it, as there's so much information that he covers.

One thing Ron needs to cover a little better (or more) is how to pick the best stocks/securities for this type of trade, and possibly exits & stops.

Thank you very much for the invite, let me know when it's happening.

Best Regards,

Charles Hanna


"I've always loved financial planning and investing but was never in a position to try options until a few years ago. I began learning and trading options the usual way - reading the books and web sites, attending free online and live investing events.

"I knew how to construct a bunch of different strategies and thought I knew enough to invest. Lost my shirt on those "safe" covered calls. Tried several subscription services with poor results. After 2 years I knew it was time for training from the real pros or to get out. I looked around at several training programs and settled on Options University because I wanted to know more than just a strategy.

"Ron's Mastery Series and Gamma Trading classes have helped me to understand much better how options behave in different environments, and how to profit from those behaviors.

"Ron's presentation of the Greeks and how to use them to your advantage are key. His insights from his years on the trading floor and as an options teacher to floor traders make him a diamond in the rough resource for the individual investor.

"No hype. Just the guts of options and strategies inside and out. If you ever have the opportunity to learn from Ron, you should take it. With follow-up effort of your own to study and practice applying his techniques you will be successful.

"I still consider myself a neophyte trader but I've managed to turn around my trading results using Ron's techniques. What had been marginal gains to significant losses are now consistent winners. Some big, some small, and even some minor losses when I've made mistakes or incorrectly assessed the market.

"My last three months have averaged about 30% profits on capital invested per trade after commissions with very controlled risk. Ron's classes have taken me from the dark, to seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, to finally feeling like I'm out of the tunnel now and finding one opportunity after another.

"I will be forever grateful for the path to financial freedom that Ron, Options University, and their technical analysis associates have lead me."

Brad Williams


"First things first, I really enjoyed the Gamma trading class and as per usual we students benefited from your knowledge and experience, I like the way you teach, it is straight forward, no bull (pardon the pun), and you always go the extra mile to make sure we all understand, and that's what I call service, so thank you."

Rita Vander Straeten


"Ron is a remarkable instructor. He clearly knows what he is talking. Recently took Gamma Trading class. I cannot thank enough for his wisdom,
supremacy of his knowledge on options and application of the same. I learnt quite a bit, especially the concept of full trading range.

He takes time to make sure every one gets it. There was no rush what so ever. Two to four hour sessions almost ran in to eight hours. He is very generous with his time and very personal. He is very passionate about options that you could tell by the enthusiasm he carries. I really enjoyed the class and looking forward to having many more in the near future."

Ragu Suds


"Just to let you know how great your Gamma Trading Class was. I have been waiting for this class for about six months, hoping that it might be as good as the Live Mastery Class. It was and that alone says a lot. I have taken many classes from other teachers and companies, and not any can compare to the in depth level of knowledge and first hand experience that makes up all
of your classes."

Leighton Cress


"I have just completed the Gamma Trading Course from Options University, taught by Ron Ianieri. I must say Ron is an excellent teacher. His experience and enthusiasm come through. He answers questions as he teaches, and the students come away with a great trading tool. I look forward to paper trading it and then benefiting from using it."

Carl Dickhaus

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