TC4S:\W\Woodies CCI Club\Woodies CCI Virtual TAL (Trade-A-Longs) 2008 October
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Date Modified
07 - Day2PM - Scott - DesertSoft WCCI Auto Trader with Ninja Trader - The End.swf
52,399 KB
4/2/2010 2:19 AM
06 - Day2PM - Jeff Lew - Trading Interactive Index markets using the CCI - Woodie .swf
35,560 KB
4/2/2010 2:19 AM
05 - Day2AM - TimP - Statistics and the Equity Curve - Woodie.swf
14,392 KB
4/2/2010 2:17 AM
04 - Day1PM - Gregg - Winners Travel Light - Eliminating your Excess Baggage.swf
11,397 KB
4/2/2010 2:16 AM
03 - Day1PM - Woodie with more Patterns - Vegas - Famir - Ghost.mp4
56,941 KB
4/2/2010 2:09 AM
02 - Day1AM - Josey - Get Ready for the Trading Day then CCI Pattern + ZLR.mp4
85,197 KB
4/2/2010 2:14 AM
01 - Day1AM - Woodie with Revolutionary Way to Trade the CCI.swf
21,650 KB
4/2/2010 2:08 AM