TC4S:\Trading Books\Business eBook\Michael Porter

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NameSizeDate Modified
Porter Michael-From Competitive Advantage To Corporate Strategy.pdf7,635 KB12/20/2010 7:14 AM
Michael.Porter.-.Competitive.Advantage.pdf28,583 KB12/20/2010 7:14 AM
Michael Porter - New Global Strategies for Competitive Advantage.pdf1,052 KB12/20/2010 7:14 AM
How competitive forces shape strategy. By Porter Michael E.pdf2,137 KB12/20/2010 7:14 AM KB12/20/2010 7:14 AM
Hbr - Michael Porter - The Semiconductor Industry In The 21St Century.pdf686 KB12/20/2010 7:14 AM
HBR - Michael Porter - Redefining Competition in Healthcare - 2004.pdf2,940 KB12/20/2010 7:14 AM
Competitive.Strategy.-.Michael.Porter.pdf21,247 KB12/20/2010 7:14 AM