TC4S:\Online Trading Academy\XLT\XLT-MTMG (Mastering the Mental Game)\2010\2010-01
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Date Modified
XLT-MTMG-20100129 - Dr. Woody Johnson - Interactive Discovery.avi
728,279 KB
1/30/2010 2:21 AM
XLT-MTMG-20100126 - Dr. Woody Johnson - Strategy Coding.avi
656,842 KB
1/30/2010 4:32 AM
XLT-MTMG-20100122 - Dr. Woody Johnson - Interactive Discovery_Part 2.avi
19,934 KB
1/31/2010 3:04 AM
XLT-MTMG-20100122 - Dr. Woody Johnson - Interactive Discovery.avi
801,459 KB
1/30/2010 1:48 PM
XLT-MTMG-20100119 - Dr. Woody Johnson - Gaining Alignment.avi
716,579 KB
1/30/2010 8:11 PM
XLT-MTMG-20100115 - Dr. Woody Johnson - Interactive Discovery.avi
685,301 KB
1/30/2010 10:20 PM
XLT-MTMG-20100111 - Dr. Woody Johnson - Trading in the Zone.avi
603,171 KB
1/31/2010 12:21 AM
XLT-MTMG-20100108 - Dr. Woody Johnson - Interactive Discovery.avi
769,325 KB
1/31/2010 2:40 AM