TC4S:\More Trading Courses\@SOFTWARE\_MetaTrader (\Forex Cash Rocket (

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NameSizeDate Modified
Volatility_Detector.ex43 KB10/18/2009 12:39 PM
Trend_Detector.ex45 KB2/7/2010 7:11 AM
ForexCashRocket_Manual_V1.pdf1,055 KB4/12/2010 7:17 PM
Forex_Kit.pdf92 KB2/7/2010 7:20 AM
Forex_Cash_Rocket_V1.0_Fixed.mq436 KB4/13/2010 7:50 AM
Forex_Cash_Rocket-Quick_Install.exe603 KB4/7/2010 10:25 AM
Forex Cash Rocket - The Ultimate Weapon in Forex Trading using NAMA technology.htm39 KB4/13/2010 7:52 AM
Drawdown_Indicator.ex49 KB2/7/2010 7:07 AM
Channel_Scalper.ex47 KB2/7/2010 7:12 AM
Forex Cash Rocket - The Ultimate Weapon in Forex Trading using NAMA technology_files4/13/2010 7:55 AM