TC4S:\Astrology & Gann\Star Trax Millenium 7.0 (

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NameSizeDate Modified
rectification.mcam6,398 KB8/4/2005 7:52 PM
millenniun_overview.mcam17,722 KB5/6/2010 3:19 PM
M1_millprog.htm43 KB4/27/2010 4:48 AM
If the Fixed Stars or the extra Asteroids are does not display in the Program.htm6 KB5/8/2010 7:50 AM
features.htm28 KB4/27/2010 4:50 AM
convert.htm2 KB5/8/2010 7:50 AM
convert.exe539 KB5/8/2010 7:50 AM
AIR Software Video Demonstrations.htm5 KB3/9/2006 5:06 AM
Star Trax Millenium 7.0_regged_build 17-Mai-20087/27/2014 5:55 PM
M1_millprog-Dateien7/27/2014 5:55 PM
If the Fixed Stars or the extra Asteroids are does not display in the Program-Dateien7/27/2014 5:55 PM
features-Dateien7/27/2014 5:55 PM
convert-Dateien7/27/2014 5:55 PM
AIR Software Video Demonstrations-Dateien7/27/2014 5:55 PM
_video_help7/27/2014 5:55 PM
@Older Version 47/27/2014 5:55 PM