TC4S:\2023_ICTLC\AstroFX 2.0\1. Forex Principles
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Date Modified
9. Support and Resistance.mp4
724,424 KB
10/25/2020 8:13 AM
8. Trendlines.mp4
490,180 KB
10/25/2020 8:14 AM
7. Identifying Trends.mp4
480,925 KB
10/25/2020 8:13 AM
6. Different Trading Sessions.mp4
138,540 KB
10/25/2020 8:13 AM
5. Major and Minor Pairs.mp4
186,737 KB
10/25/2020 8:13 AM
4. Goals, winning, losing & why trade.mp4
243,870 KB
10/25/2020 8:13 AM
3. Types of Trading.mp4
121,381 KB
10/25/2020 8:13 AM
2. Language of Forex.mp4
297,341 KB
10/25/2020 8:13 AM
10. Placing a Trade.mp4
199,767 KB
10/25/2020 8:14 AM
1. Forex Explained.mp4
193,013 KB
10/25/2020 8:12 AM