TC4S:\2022_3\Selenium WebDriver Masterclass Novice to Ninja\10. Locator Techniques in Selenium |
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9. Axes Methods in Xpaths.vtt | 9 KB | 8/25/2019 7:04 PM |
9. Axes Methods in Xpaths.mp4 | 99,847 KB | 8/25/2019 7:04 PM |
8. Absolute Xpaths.vtt | 7 KB | 8/25/2019 7:04 PM |
8. Absolute Xpaths.mp4 | 81,003 KB | 8/25/2019 7:04 PM |
7. Relative Xpaths.vtt | 10 KB | 8/25/2019 7:04 PM |
7. Relative Xpaths.mp4 | 92,295 KB | 8/25/2019 7:04 PM |
6. Interview Questions of Selenium.vtt | 9 KB | 8/25/2019 7:04 PM |
6. Interview Questions of Selenium.mp4 | 52,156 KB | 8/25/2019 7:04 PM |
5. Customization of Xpath in Locators Continues.vtt | 8 KB | 8/25/2019 7:04 PM |
5. Customization of Xpath in Locators Continues.mp4 | 81,362 KB | 8/25/2019 7:04 PM |
4. Customization of Xpath in Locators.vtt | 9 KB | 8/25/2019 7:04 PM |
4. Customization of Xpath in Locators.mp4 | 94,391 KB | 8/25/2019 7:04 PM |
3. Working With Locators.vtt | 8 KB | 8/25/2019 7:04 PM |
3. Working With Locators.mp4 | 107,298 KB | 8/25/2019 7:04 PM |
2. How Check Latest Version.vtt | 6 KB | 8/25/2019 7:03 PM |
2. How Check Latest Version.mp4 | 60,854 KB | 8/25/2019 7:03 PM |
11. More on Axes Method.vtt | 7 KB | 8/25/2019 7:05 PM |
11. More on Axes Method.mp4 | 57,839 KB | 8/25/2019 7:05 PM |
10. Axes Methods in Xpaths Continues.vtt | 5 KB | 8/25/2019 7:05 PM |
10. Axes Methods in Xpaths Continues.mp4 | 49,769 KB | 8/25/2019 7:04 PM |
1. Introduction to Locator Techniques in Sikuli.vtt | 8 KB | 8/25/2019 7:03 PM |
1. Introduction to Locator Techniques in Sikuli.mp4 | 51,627 KB | 8/25/2019 7:03 PM |