TC4S:\2022_3\Fibonacci Finer Points SPS Quant\SPS Quant\Media\cdbb3f46-af96-426f-ab03-6347baaa7f18\Video

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NameSizeDate Modified
The SPS stats.avi35,757 KB9/3/2018 3:53 PM
The set up - RSI.avi32,082 KB9/3/2018 3:52 PM
The set up - Price.avi32,892 KB9/3/2018 3:51 PM
The set up - Pivot point levels.avi28,455 KB9/3/2018 3:51 PM
The set up - overview.avi16,409 KB9/3/2018 3:51 PM
The set up - 34 sma.avi14,013 KB9/3/2018 3:51 PM
The check list.avi32,290 KB9/3/2018 3:51 PM
Introduction.avi15,411 KB9/3/2018 3:51 PM
Bringing it all together.avi68,429 KB9/3/2018 3:51 PM