TC4S:\2022_3\Blue Edge Financial - Edge Trading Academy 2021\7. BONUS _ Bank_s Secret Indicator\1. Overview _ Action Steps

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NameSizeDate Modified
How To Set Up The BSI Trade Alerts On Your Phone.pdf367 KB9/22/2021 2:37 PM
Blue and White Striped Checklist.pdf592 KB9/22/2021 2:37 PM
3. Understand How To Optimize Your Trades When You Receive An Alert With The BSI Checklist.mp4112,569 KB9/22/2021 2:37 PM
2. BSI Alert Settings (_ Other Settings) Explained.mp492,512 KB9/22/2021 2:37 PM
1. BSI Tool Overview _ Action Steps.mp4104,758 KB9/22/2021 2:37 PM