TC4S:\2022\SMB - Training Foundation\DAY\Day 6

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NameSizeDate Modified
whyholdstocksagainstyou.d6.wmv262,778 KB12/5/2017 2:44 PM
Why Hold a Stock Against You - D6.mp310,331 KB12/5/2017 2:42 PM
Why Hold a Stock Against You - D6.docx13 KB12/5/2017 2:42 PM
trading by the book.docx17 KB12/5/2017 2:43 PM
Trade by the Book - D6.docx16 KB12/5/2017 2:42 PM
This Isn't a Country Club - D6.mp35,332 KB12/5/2017 2:42 PM
The Big Picture - D6.mp35,476 KB12/5/2017 2:42 PM
Speed II - D6.docx12 KB12/5/2017 2:42 PM
schedule.docx16 KB12/5/2017 2:43 PM
nosalesoffer.WMV16,508 KB12/5/2017 2:43 PM
heldbidagressivesellerpattern.WMV53,779 KB12/5/2017 2:43 PM
held offer fcx.WMV26,472 KB12/5/2017 2:43 PM
Getting In and Out of Stocks - D6.wmv492,365 KB12/5/2017 2:42 PM
Getting In and Out of Stocks - D6.mp324,144 KB12/5/2017 2:41 PM
Getting In and Out of Stocks - D6.docx15 KB12/5/2017 2:41 PM
Doubling Down - D6.mp311,192 KB12/5/2017 2:41 PM
Doubling Down - D6.docx13 KB12/5/2017 2:41 PM
doubledown.d6.wmv126,281 KB12/5/2017 2:43 PM
d4_exer_corresfuture.mp35,178 KB12/5/2017 2:43 PM
d3_exer_insidemktbox.mp33,256 KB12/5/2017 2:43 PM
d2_exer_unusualholdbid.mp33,642 KB12/5/2017 2:43 PM
amzn6164withaudio.WMV19,319 KB12/5/2017 2:43 PM