TC4S:\2022\SMB - Training Foundation\DAY\Day 5

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NameSizeDate Modified
Trading Scenarios - D5.docx15 KB12/5/2017 2:41 PM
Trading Patterns on the Open - D5.docx235 KB12/5/2017 2:40 PM
The Trading Day - D5.docx49 KB12/5/2017 2:40 PM
The Big Picture - D5.docx28 KB12/5/2017 2:40 PM
Selling Pattern Recognition - D5.WMV28,495 KB12/5/2017 2:40 PM
schedule.docx16 KB12/5/2017 2:41 PM
Reasons to Sell - D5.wmv118,170 KB12/5/2017 2:40 PM
Reasons to Sell - D5.mp316,181 KB12/5/2017 2:40 PM
Playing a Level In Front of a Big Bid - D5.wmv83,874 KB12/5/2017 2:40 PM
Pattern Recognition - D5.docx116 KB12/5/2017 2:40 PM
Pattern Recognition (An Example) - D5.docx84 KB12/5/2017 2:40 PM
orderentry_combos.flv46,956 KB12/5/2017 2:41 PM
Order Entry - D5.docx13 KB12/5/2017 2:40 PM
One Good Trade - D5.wmv71,053 KB12/5/2017 2:40 PM
Noticing the Inside Market and Reacting - D5.wmv56,005 KB12/5/2017 2:39 PM
Morning Preparation - D5.WMV134,694 KB12/5/2017 2:39 PM
getting in and out of stocks.docx16 KB12/5/2017 2:41 PM
Futures Trade (Index Trade) - D5.docx93 KB12/5/2017 2:39 PM
findingstocksfortheclose.d5.wmv98,403 KB12/5/2017 2:41 PM
Finding Stocks Intraday for the Close - D5.docx13 KB12/5/2017 2:39 PM
dope orders.docx13 KB12/5/2017 2:41 PM
doesnt start till 8930.docx49 KB12/5/2017 2:41 PM
Catalysts for Stocks - D5.WMV228,276 KB12/5/2017 2:39 PM
Catalysts for Stocks - D5.docx14 KB12/5/2017 2:39 PM
Breathing - D5.docx14 KB12/5/2017 2:38 PM
AM_Preparation.WMV134,694 KB12/5/2017 2:38 PM
A Range Breakdown, Using Support Levels and Corresponding Futures - D5.wmv236,423 KB12/5/2017 2:38 PM