TC4S:\2020_1\Astro FX 2.0\1. Forex Principles
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Date Modified
1. Forex Explained.mp4
188,167 KB
12/11/2019 8:44 PM
10. Placing a Trade.mp4
137,678 KB
12/4/2019 6:43 PM
2. Language of Forex.mp4
290,900 KB
12/11/2019 8:56 PM
3. Types of Trading.mp4
111,701 KB
12/11/2019 8:54 PM
4. Goals, winning, losing & why trade.mp4
216,237 KB
12/11/2019 10:25 PM
5. Major and Minor Pairs.mp4
163,417 KB
12/11/2019 9:11 PM
6. Different Trading Sessions.mp4
118,724 KB
11/30/2019 8:23 PM
7. Identifying Trends.mp4
213,088 KB
12/4/2019 6:40 PM
8. Trendlines.mp4
183,670 KB
12/4/2019 6:42 PM
9. Support and Resistance.mp4
245,244 KB
12/4/2019 6:42 PM