TC4S:\2020\BSAPPSFX - Psychology Course\1. Psychology Course
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Date Modified
9. Trade Like A Casino.mp4
149,609 KB
4/3/2021 12:33 PM
8. Risk & Live Trade Management.mp4
391,682 KB
4/3/2021 12:34 PM
7. Baiting the Market & Taking Partials.mp4
291,450 KB
4/3/2021 12:33 PM
6. Gamblers Fallacy & Picking Tops & Bottoms.mp4
634,062 KB
4/3/2021 12:33 PM
5. Understanding Emotions.mp4
447,767 KB
4/3/2021 12:33 PM
4. (Volume 3) - Confidence & Observation.mp4
256,713 KB
4/3/2021 12:32 PM
3. (Volume 2) - Comparison To Others.mp4
584,203 KB
4/3/2021 12:32 PM
2. (Volume 1) - Procrastination.mp4
629,743 KB
4/3/2021 12:31 PM
1. Are you ready to be a Forex Trader.mp4
614,199 KB
4/3/2021 12:31 PM