TC4S:\.@DOWNLOAD\22b - CTV\_Web Development Courses\Ran Segall - Webflow Masterclass\08-Selling Webflow to clients

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NameSizeDate Modified
07-Webflow Development Proposal.pdf196 KB9/29/2020 9:36 PM
07-The perfect Webflow website proposal.mp4180,539 KB9/29/2020 9:36 PM
07-Complete Web Design Proposal.pdf73 KB9/29/2020 9:36 PM
06-When not to sell.mp463,204 KB9/29/2020 9:36 PM
06-When not to sell .mp463,204 KB9/29/2020 9:36 PM
05-Pricing Webflow websites.mp499,383 KB9/29/2020 9:36 PM
04-Can we trust Webflow-.mp441,703 KB9/29/2020 9:36 PM
03-Handling privacy -GDPR issues.mp450,997 KB9/29/2020 9:36 PM
02-How Webflow is different.mp4223,245 KB9/29/2020 9:36 PM
02-How Webflow is different (and better) then WordPress.mp4223,245 KB9/29/2020 9:36 PM
01-Understanding your clients needs.mp435,994 KB9/29/2020 9:36 PM