TC4S:\.@DOWNLOAD\22b - CTV\_Web Development Courses\Rails, Elixir developer (2019)\ANGULAR 2 + RAILS 5 BOOTCAMP

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NameSizeDate Modified
Read me.txt1 KB9/29/2020 9:37 PM
11 Final Application Changes8/25/2022 8:39 PM
10 Connecting the Angular 2 App with the Rails Proposal Microservice8/25/2022 8:39 PM
09 Creating the Proposal Ruby on Rails Microservice API Application8/25/2022 8:39 PM
08 Connecting the Angular Front End with the Rails Document API App8/25/2022 8:39 PM
07 Creating a Ruby on Rails Microservice to Manage Documents8/25/2022 8:39 PM
06 Integrating Bootstrap 4 in an Angular 2 Application8/25/2022 8:39 PM
05 Building the Proposal Component8/25/2022 8:38 PM
04 Building the Document Management Component8/25/2022 8:38 PM
03 Angular 2 Development8/25/2022 8:38 PM
02 System configuration for Angular 2 Application8/25/2022 8:38 PM
01 Project Introduction8/25/2022 8:38 PM