TC4S:\.@DOWNLOAD\22b - CTV\_Real Estate Courses\Grant Cardone - 2\Cardone University (2016)\02. Understanding The Buyer\2. Attitude

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NameSizeDate Modified
5. Tips to Have a Great Attitude.mp448,064 KB9/26/2020 3:55 AM
4. A Product of Your Enviornment.mp443,850 KB9/26/2020 3:55 AM
3. Daily Attitude.mp430,600 KB9/26/2020 3:55 AM
2. Treat Them Like Millionaires.mp431,816 KB9/26/2020 3:55 AM
1. A Great Attitude is Worth More Than a Great Product.mp442,486 KB9/26/2020 3:55 AM
0. Introduction.mp43,637 KB9/26/2020 3:55 AM