TC4S:\.@DOWNLOAD\22b - CTV\Y\YoungTraderWealth - Course\02 - II. Read and Understand Charts

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NameSizeDate Modified
1. FX Currency Codes and FX Jargon - YoungTraderWealth.mp412,440 KB9/30/2020 10:45 AM
2. Understanding Currency Pairs and Timeframes - YoungTraderWealth.mp435,081 KB9/30/2020 10:45 AM
4. Candlestick Formation - YoungTraderWealth.mp416,732 KB9/30/2020 10:45 AM
5. Basic Market Terminology - YoungTraderWealth.mp427,426 KB9/30/2020 10:45 AM
6. Different Ways to Predict the Markets - YoungTraderWealth.mp419,505 KB9/30/2020 10:45 AM