TC4S:\.@DOWNLOAD\22b - CTV\Y\YoungTraderWealth - Course

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NameSizeDate Modified
00 - Introduction8/24/2022 9:59 AM
01 - I. Forex Trading Basics and Needs8/24/2022 9:59 AM
02 - II. Read and Understand Charts8/24/2022 9:59 AM
03 - III. Analysing the Markets8/24/2022 9:59 AM
04 - IV. Complement your Analysis8/24/2022 9:59 AM
05 - V. Trade the Setups Convert analysis into profits8/24/2022 9:59 AM
06 - VI. Risk Management The key to survival8/24/2022 9:59 AM
07 - VII. Psychology Why trading isn't easy8/24/2022 9:59 AM
08 - VIII. Evolution of a Trader Become a Pro Forex Trader8/24/2022 9:59 AM
09 - BONUS8/24/2022 9:59 AM
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