TC4S:\.@DOWNLOAD\22b - CTV\J\Jarrat Davis - Trader Training Programme - Training\5. Central Banks

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NameSizeDate Modified
6. Identifying Sentiment With a News Feed.TS - Google Drive.MP488,641 KB9/25/2020 9:46 PM
5. Trading Market Sentiment.TS - Google Drive.MP4119,126 KB9/25/2020 9:46 PM
4. Central Bank Tools.TS - Google Drive.MP477,139 KB9/25/2020 9:46 PM
3. Basic Economic Cycles & Indicators.TS - Google Drive.MP4116,707 KB9/25/2020 9:46 PM
2. Central Banks Explained.TS - Google Drive.MP4101,893 KB9/25/2020 9:46 PM
1. How Forex Relates To Other Markets.TS - Google Drive.MP490,400 KB9/25/2020 9:46 PM
US Dollar8/23/2022 12:41 PM
Swiss Franc8/23/2022 12:41 PM
New Zealand Dollar8/23/2022 12:41 PM
Japanese Yen8/23/2022 12:41 PM
Euro8/23/2022 12:41 PM
Canadian Dollar8/23/2022 12:41 PM
British Pound8/23/2022 12:41 PM
Australian Dollar8/23/2022 12:41 PM