TC4S:\.@DOWNLOAD\22b - CTV\F\FX Traders ClassRoom - Harmonic Course\Pattern Trading Win Up To 90% Of Your Trades\4. The Trade Plan

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NameSizeDate Modified
1. Fastest Way To Mastery.mp47,351 KB9/25/2020 9:46 PM
1. Fastest Way To Mastery.vtt5 KB9/25/2020 9:46 PM
2. What Next.mp427,308 KB9/25/2020 9:46 PM
2. What Next.vtt11 KB9/25/2020 9:46 PM
3. The Trade Plan.mp471,490 KB9/25/2020 9:46 PM
3. The Trade Plan.vtt22 KB9/25/2020 9:46 PM
4. Quiz 3.html1 KB9/25/2020 9:46 PM
5. Harmonic Trading Cheat Sheet.pdf5,105 KB9/25/2020 9:46 PM