PDC4S:\Health\Boards and Beyond Videos Completed\Infectious Disease\1. Basics of Microbiology |
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7. Bacterial Identification - Gram positive-negative algorithms.mp4 | 25,783 KB | 12/2/2019 12:23 PM |
6. Growth and Genetics - Bacterial growth curves, Bacterial genetics.mp4 | 22,934 KB | 12/2/2019 12:21 PM |
5. Virulence - Virulence factors, Endotoxin, Exotoxins.mp4 | 40,556 KB | 12/2/2019 12:19 PM |
4. Special Growth Requirements - Aerobes, anaerobes, intracellular bacteria.mp4 | 13,952 KB | 12/2/2019 12:16 PM |
3. Bacterial Culture - Blood Agar, MacConkey, Chocolate, Thayer-Martin.mp4 | 22,471 KB | 12/2/2019 12:15 PM |
2. Shapes and Stains - Cocci, Rods, Gram stain, Other stains.mp4 | 16,868 KB | 12/2/2019 12:14 PM |
1. Bacteria - Cell wall, Peptidoglycans, Capsules, Spores.mp4 | 32,284 KB | 12/2/2019 12:13 PM |