PDC4S:\CODING\Web - App Development (All related Courses to Web and App Dev)\[Angela-Yu] Udemy - iOS & Swift - The Complete iOS App Development Bootcamp\10. iOS App Design Pattern Challenge |
Up one directory... |
1. What You'll Create.html | 1 KB | 12/12/2021 1:39 AM |
1.1 Course Resources and Links.html | 1 KB | 12/12/2021 1:39 AM |
10. Tip from Angela - Retrieval is How You Learn.mp4 | 65,873 KB | 12/12/2021 1:39 AM |
10. Tip from Angela - Retrieval is How You Learn.srt | 4 KB | 12/12/2021 1:39 AM |
2. Step 1 Clone the Starting Project.html | 2 KB | 12/12/2021 1:39 AM |
3. Step 2 Update the storyLabel and Button Titles.html | 2 KB | 12/12/2021 1:39 AM |
4. Step 3 Create a Structure.html | 2 KB | 12/12/2021 1:39 AM |
5. Step 4 Update the Story.html | 2 KB | 12/12/2021 1:39 AM |
6. Step 5 Apply MVC.html | 2 KB | 12/12/2021 1:39 AM |
7. Step 6 Make the StoryBrain more Scalable.html | 2 KB | 12/12/2021 1:39 AM |
7.1 destini_story_outline.pdf | 36 KB | 12/12/2021 1:39 AM |
8. Step 7 Show off your Work!.html | 1 KB | 12/12/2021 1:39 AM |
9. Download the Completed App Project.html | 1 KB | 12/12/2021 1:39 AM |
9.1 Course Fixes Report an Issue.html | 1 KB | 12/12/2021 1:39 AM |