PDC4S:\CODING\GATE 2021 RavindraBabu Ravula\Theory of Computation\13.Turing machines

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NameSizeDate Modified
9.Non-halting TM.mp444,372 KB12/12/2021 1:36 AM
8.TM as copier.mp447,855 KB12/12/2021 1:36 AM
7.Definition of standard TM.mp472,310 KB12/12/2021 1:36 AM
6.TM as comparator.mp4109,411 KB12/12/2021 1:36 AM
5.TM as adder.m4v60,652 KB12/12/2021 1:36 AM
4.TM as transducer for computing 2s complement.m4v51,754 KB12/12/2021 1:36 AM
3.TM as transducer of 1s copmplement.m4v56,013 KB12/12/2021 1:36 AM
2.Turing machine example 2.m4v158,155 KB12/12/2021 1:36 AM
19.Important theorem on recursive and RE languages.mp4128,500 KB12/12/2021 1:36 AM
18.Context sensitive grammars example 2.mp478,092 KB12/12/2021 1:36 AM
17.Context sensitive grammars example 1.mp497,495 KB12/12/2021 1:36 AM
16.Unrestricted grammars.mp452,453 KB12/12/2021 1:36 AM
15.The big picture Page.mp459,060 KB12/12/2021 1:36 AM
14.Recursively enumerable and recursive languages.mp486,564 KB12/12/2021 1:36 AM
13.Linear bounded automata(LBA).mp4132,755 KB12/12/2021 1:36 AM
12.universal TM and encoding of TM.mp4116,568 KB12/12/2021 1:36 AM
11.Modifications to standard TM.mp4224,381 KB12/12/2021 1:36 AM
10.Turing thesis.mp483,254 KB12/12/2021 1:36 AM
1.Turing machine example.m4v140,572 KB12/12/2021 1:36 AM