PDC4S:\2021-3\Jeremy Haynes\Jeremy Haynes – Digital Marketing Manuscript\Phase 2 - Positioning

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NameSizeDate Modified
What’s your one thing-.TS82,153 KB6/20/2018 6:23 AM
What is positioning and why does it matter-.TS123,207 KB6/20/2018 6:24 AM
PR - expand the category, Advertise to retain the marketshare.TS78,178 KB6/20/2018 6:23 AM
Market your results, the hard flex vs the soft flex.TS102,042 KB6/20/2018 6:23 AM
How to position yourself for success.TS262,524 KB6/20/2018 6:24 AM
How To Gain Expert Positioning-.TS89,352 KB6/20/2018 6:24 AM
authority hijacking and how to do it the right away.TS117,972 KB6/20/2018 6:24 AM