PDC4S:\2018\Jack Kornfield - The Wise Heart a Guide to the Universal of Buddhist Psychology\cd 01
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Date Modified
1-09 healthy and unhealthy mental st.mp3
19,224 KB
9/24/2013 9:28 AM
1-08 chapter 4_ the colorings of con.mp3
14,027 KB
9/24/2013 8:09 AM
1-07 the two dimensions of conscious.mp3
23,350 KB
9/24/2013 8:09 AM
1-06 chapter 3_ who looks in the mir.mp3
14,866 KB
9/24/2013 9:24 AM
1-05 chapter 2_ psychology of compas.mp3
26,715 KB
9/24/2013 9:02 AM
1-04 sacred perception.mp3
16,233 KB
9/24/2013 8:09 AM
1-03 chapter 1_ nobility.mp3
15,437 KB
9/24/2013 8:09 AM
1-02 the wise heart_ introduction.mp3
26,439 KB
9/24/2013 8:09 AM
1-01 introduction.mp3
1,167 KB
9/24/2013 8:08 AM