PDC4S:\2016\RSD Real Social Dynamics\Julien - PIMP (SD)\Epiphany Series

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NameSizeDate Modified
6th Epiphany - Drama.mp4294,521 KB5/18/2015 2:46 PM
5th Epiphany - Developing A Killer Instinct To Close Them All.mp4145,031 KB5/18/2015 2:45 PM
4th Epiphany - Getting Over Oneitis (Or Getting Her Back).mp4165,484 KB5/18/2015 2:45 PM
3rd Epiphany - From Drunk to (Stronger) Sober Game.mp4116,730 KB5/18/2015 2:45 PM
2nd Epiphany - Turn Your Personality Into A Chick Magnet.mp4113,008 KB5/18/2015 2:44 PM
1st Epiphany - Destroying Approach Anxiety.mp4188,332 KB5/18/2015 2:44 PM