PDC4S:\2015\Jack Kornfield - The Wise Heart A Guide To The Universal Of Buddhist Psychology\cd 03
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Date Modified
3-09 the alchemy of transformation.mp3
7,856 KB
9/24/2013 8:09 AM
3-08 finding your basic personality.mp3
19,362 KB
9/24/2013 9:16 AM
3-07 chapter 12_ buddhist personalit.mp3
9,502 KB
9/24/2013 8:32 AM
3-06 past and future lives.mp3
18,602 KB
9/24/2013 8:22 AM
3-05 chapter 11_ the ancient unconsc.mp3
23,400 KB
9/24/2013 8:09 AM
3-04 disentangling from the story.mp3
16,190 KB
9/24/2013 8:09 AM
3-03 chapter 10_ the storytelling mi.mp3
25,272 KB
9/24/2013 8:09 AM
3-02 how do we work with our emotion.mp3
17,913 KB
9/24/2013 8:09 AM
3-01 chapter 9_ the reiver of feelin.mp3
21,104 KB
9/24/2013 8:09 AM